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Welcome to the 
Herald Citizen Sweepstakes!

Sign up to LIHerald.com's free weekly
email newsletter for your chance to WIN
one of several special prizes!

How does it work?

It's easy!

Register by clicking the "Register Now" tab or button above. If you've previosuly registered for another contest through LIHerald.com, you can use the same login as before, you'll just need to confirm your information. 

Then click on the "Enter Now" tab, and then click the "Submit Entry" button. That's it!

One lucky winner will be selected and will receive one of several special prizes.

What if I already entered in a previous contest?

You can still sign up for this contest, you'll just need to register above.

How many times can I enter?

One valid email address per participant is allowed, with a maximum of 10 email addresses per household. 

All times are in Eastern Standard Time.            Completed            Current           Future   
Submission Period
Thu, May 22 2014 12:57 PM - Wed, Dec 31 2014 11:59 PM
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Herald Citizen Sweepstakes

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